Time to spring clean the office?

Time to spring clean the office?

Everyone is Marie Kondo crazy and Mrs Hinch mad at home, but what about the office? As Spring is upon us, we always think about a spring clean for the home, but what about the office? We all have those colleagues who never seem to wash their hands and there maybe some...
Budgeting Tips

Budgeting Tips

Christmas is over, money has been tight at the beginning of the year. How can you make sure your money stretches to cover all the bills and you’re not left short each month? Also, managing your money better could mean you don’t incur bank charges, late payment charges...
Email Etiquette

Email Etiquette

Experts reckon we spend we spend about a quarter of our week at work checking and replying to e-mails. That’s a lot of time to be doing something that we still get wrong – and there’s always something we get wrong – sending to the wrong people or not adding the...
Pension Contributions Are Changing

Pension Contributions Are Changing

Pension contributions are changing, so if you pay into a company pension scheme, your contributions will be increasing at the beginning of April. But if you’re not paying into a company pension scheme, you may wonder what all the fuss is about and why it’s important...
Tips for writing your covering letter

Tips for writing your covering letter

Now you’ve followed our CV Do’s and Don’ts, you need a killer covering letter to help you stand out from the crowd and make sure you get that phone call offering you an interview. A covering letter shouldn’t just be a copy of what’s on your CV and you...