The Wage Shop

Do you scroll through your phone last thing before you go to sleep? Or maybe it’s the first thing you do when you come out of the cinema or land abroad.

We are all a little guilty of ‘just checking’ in case we didn’t hear a message come through, or someone has tweeted or updated their Facebook.

We wake up to them, we carry them around in our pockets all day and we come home to them.

Yes, these gadgets are a part of everyday life now and we would all be lost without. But could our constant checking and scrolling be a form of addiction? According to some experts, this much exposure could be damaging our health.

There is even a condition known as ‘Phantom Vibration/Ringing Syndrome’ when a person believes their phone is vibrating or ringing when it is not.

Research published suggests that by leaving your phone in your pocket it then becomes part of the body, the same as wearing glasses, thus forgetting they are there.

People then interpret other sensations such as the movement of clothing as a vibration.

Technology is incredibly useful, educational and enjoyable. Plus, for some of us it has completely changed our lives by reconnecting with people we’d lost contact with over time. But maybe occasionally we need to reconnect with life itself to avoid becoming a slave to smart phones and gadgets.

Instead of just going ‘cold turkey’ maybe set yourself small limits each day, that way you may find your detox easier to stick too.

Here’s just a few handy tips to get you started, a couple of which members of our team recommend.

  1. Set your daily screen time allowance
  2. Try to avoid checking your phone at mealtimes, put on silent or switch off
  3. Take screen breaks at work
  4. Turn off unimportant notifications
  5. Avoid using your phone as an alarm, try using a traditional alarm clock. That way you won’t be tempted to check your phone

How can The Wage Shop help?

Helpful advice is just part of our service.  With The Wage Shop we make sure you’re paid on time and take care of your Tax and NI contributions, leaving you to focus on your day to day workload and hopefully a digital detox.

Head over to our website for more details or Contact Us to register.