The Wage Shop

Burns night marks the anniversary of Robert Burns’ birthday or more widely known as Rabbie Burns, the Scottish poet and lyricist.

Born 25 January 1759 in Alloway, Ayrshire.  Sadly, passing away just 37 years later at his home in Dumfries.

A humble start in life, Robert was the son of a tenant farmer and the eldest of seven children.  He educated by both his father and by attending schools.  Whilst also labouring on the farm, full time when it was harvest time.

At the tender age of 15 he wrote his first love poem.  He continued to farm the land and work hard throughout his life.  Fathering 12 children, nine with his wife Jean Armour, he also spent years preserving and collecting traditional Scottish songs.


By the age of 27 he finally found fame with the publication of his first collection of poems (mainly in Scottish dialect). His love of farming stayed with him throughout his whole life which is reflected in much of his writing.

The first Burns supper was held July 1801.  Nine of his close friends met at Burns cottage in Alloway to mark the fifth anniversary of his death.  The night included a haggis meal, performances of his work and a speech in his honour (known as the Immortal Memory). The night being such a success, was then held again but in honour of his birthday, thus began the tradition!!

At a Burn’s Supper it is traditional that everyone enjoys a meal of haggis, tatties and neeps with a few drams of whisky. Although each supper is individual the running order is as follows:


  • To start, everyone gathers, the host will say a few words, everyone takes their seats and Selkirk Grace is recited
  • The meal, the starter is served, the haggis is piped in whilst the host performs Address to a Haggis. Everyone toast’s the haggis then the rest of the meal is served
  • After the meal, the first Burns poem is performed, the Immortal Memory, followed by a second poem, a Toast to the Lassies, then a Reply to the Toast to the Lassies
  • At the end, the host gives thanks, and everyone stands to sing Auld Lang Syne

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